Accredited Yoga Alliance training course in Oakville, ON
begins on September 17th, 2024
Immerse Yourself in Yoga. Become a certified Yoga Teacher. Now is the Time.
iGita’s 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program is designed to be accessible to people of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels.
Whether it’s your plan to teach or develop a deeper personal practice, you’ll find iGita’s program inspirational and transformative. It will give you the solid foundation that you need to practice and teach safely, skillfully and with integrity.
- Nobody fails! It’s our commitment to you. Our program is divided into modules to accommodate different learning curves, work, and family related commitments.
- Modules may be completed in succession, or individually collected over time, as your schedule allows. Participants may also choose to repeat modules at no extra cost. It is our mission to offer ongoing support and mentorship until each and every student succeeds in achieving their goals.
- Multiple styles of yoga will be explored during this training program, including Vinyasa, Hot, Yin, and Ashtanga.
- Your tuition fees include unlimited classes at iGita for one full year from the course start date. Early birds get to start as early as the deposit is received. Applications will be accepted as early as June 1st.
- Our program is registered with Yoga Alliance (RYS 200)
- Maureen, lead RYT faculty, has 30+ years of experience in the yoga industry and has been facilitating Yoga Teacher Training for 15 years.
- You will start teaching from day one of the program. Our Teacher Training will give you the tools required and the confidence to actually get out there and teach. The most common complaint we hear from people seeking out Teacher Training after having already completed 200hrs elsewhere is, “I don’t feel anywhere near ready to teach after graduating (from my teacher training).” It is a fact that some people have longer learning curves, and this is why we allow students to return in following sessions to practice and audit material that they either missed or feel they need to review.
Who should apply?
Applicants don’t need to be advanced, but should have a commitment to a regular ongoing yoga practice.
If interested, please click the link and fill out the application to begin the process.
email info@myiGita.com to request an appointment to speak with us.
There are 7 modules that make up the iGita 200hr Teacher Training.
- Anatomy & Physiology (45hrs)
- Teaching Asana (125hrs)
- Yoga Philosophy (30hrs)
- Pranayam & Meditation(16hrs)
- Subtle Anatomy (16hrs)
- Art of Sequencing (20hrs)
- Ayurveda (8hrs)
Course includes one year (+) unlimited membership at both be (Burlington) and iGita (Oakville)
Full Program $ 3800
$200 savings if you commit before July 31st
Payment plans available with $500 deposit
*All modules and corresponding homework and exams must be completed in order to receive certification as a 200hr-RYT.** unlimited membership to iGita will commence as soon as deposit is received. It will expire Sept. 2025
Teacher training really opened my eyes to the world of yoga by showing me so many different aspects that aren’t highlighted in a class. It covered the physical and spiritual teachings of yoga and how to go about teaching that in a class and you start teaching almost right away so you get a lot of practice in! They really want you to develop your teachings and help you do that in a supportive and communal way! – Kiana, 19
Module – 1: Anatomy & Kinesiology
Yoga Anatomy Fundamentals
It is critical that Yoga instructors have a good understanding of structural anatomy and kinesiology in order to keep their students safe.
This 45hr module will delve into the study of:
- The muscular & skeletal systems
- Functional bio-kinetic movement patterns
- Body systems and how they are affected by asana practice
Completing the Teacher Training at iGita was life-changing. Amazing instruction from qualified teachers, many opportunities to observe great teachers at the studio and practice-teaching early on. I felt prepared to teach when I finished and soon found employment – Julie, 46

Module – 2: Teaching Asana
We aim to ensure each student teacher understands and is able to correctly identify proper technique and muscular engagements. Understanding correct form is critical so that you may learn to teach asana in a safe and effect way without risking injury to students.
- Alignment principles & theory of technique
- Study of 50+ foundational asana
- Benefits, contraindications and modifications
- Teaching styles, language, cueing and voice control
- Observing, assisting and correcting
- Use of props
- Muscles & joint actions
- Proper warm-up, safety, injury prevention and management
- cultivate a daily “home” practice, with a minimum of 3 (in-studio, or virtual) yoga classes per week with senior instructor for the duration of the course
- Keep a journal & practice log, to be handed in prior to graduation
- Have a 90% attendance record for this module

Module – 3: Yoga Philosophy
In this module, students will be introduced to a few of the important classical yoga texts of India:
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Gheranda Samhita
- Bhagavad Gita
- Upanasat
- Yoga Sutras
- Importance of Practice
- The classical definition of Hatha Yoga
- The relationship of Hatha Yoga and Rāja Yoga
- Bhagavad Gīta and Upanisats in relation to Yoga
- The concept of Māya
- Methods to achieve the Self Realization
- Definition, Functions & Classifications of Prāna
- Practices to withdraw the sensory organs
- Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: The student will learn several Classical Yoga practices as traditionally taught in accordance with the various aphorisms.

Module – 4: Pranayama & Meditation
Students are introduced to Ayurveda, the Indian Life Science, and guided through the proper techniques of 8 different breathing exercises.
Students will also learn healthy lifestyle habits, including meditation, breathing and cleansing techniques.
- The benefits
- How, when and where
- 3 meditation techniques
- Basti
- Dhauti
- Kapalbhati
- Nauli
- Neti
- Tratatkum
- Ujjayi
- Sheetkari
- Anulom-Vilom
- Shitali
- Bastrika
- Suryabhedan
- Bhramari
- Chandrabehan
I have been in the fitness industry for 25 years and taken numerous fitness courses… This certification was by far the most intensive and well rounded course I have completed … EVER!! iGita’s 200 hour Instructor Course prepared me to lead a yoga class with confidence and thoughtful sequences. I can’t wait to add Yoga Instructor to my resume – Erin, 45

Module – 5: Subtle Energy
In this module, we will discuss the subtle energy present in nature, in our environment, and in ourselves, and in turn some of its positive and negative effects on our physical and emotional bodies. Topics of discussion include:
- The 3 fundamental forces in nature that make up the universe
- Energy channels in our bodies
- What are Chakras? Characteristics & Symbolism
- Bija Mantras
- Corresponding elements, possible corresponding glands and nerve plexus
- Bandhas and Mudras, use of
- Mental, physical and emotional connections we have to our energetic systems
- A comparison of the modern vs. traditional chakra systems, as per classical texts:
– Padaka Pancaka,
– Goraksha-shashatakam
– Sat Cakra Nirvana

Module – 6: Sequencing & Class Planning
In-depth study will take place on several modern styles of yoga, including the sequences of Ashtanga, Hot Yoga, and the Sivananda series.
Using three tried and true methods of sequencing, students will also confidently be able to design their own classes in the styles of:
- Vinyasa
- Hatha
- Hot
- Restorative
- Yin
The teachers were amazing! They were all so different but each one brought something special and unique to the program. I didn’t want it to end! – Jessica, 36

Module – 7: The Yoga Profession
Everything you need to know about the business of yoga
- Studio etiquette
- Business ethics
- Being your own boss
- Cultivating & preserving abundance
- Marketing your services
- Understanding your tax obligations
- How & when to create your own teaching space
- Forever a student
I believe the universe aligned to help the teaching profession find me.
You see, I practiced yoga every day. I read a lot of books. But it wasn’t my idea to teach. One day, friends, and others that knew me, started asking me questions and eventually wanted me to teach them. It wasn’t natural for me. At first, I struggled to find the right words. But through my perseverance and determination to help other people in their practice, I got better at it and more and more people started coming to me for help. It was a long journey.
Everybody’s journey is different, but the simple fact that you are reading the words on this page is a message that you need to explore this possibility further.
Teaching has become “my yoga practice”. For me, it is 10x more rewarding than the yoga practice itself. There is something deep inside me, and within us all, that wants to inspire and serve other people in some way. Because I have experienced the transformative, healing, and rejuvenating powers of yoga first hand and witnessed it in many others, it has become my life’s work. Teaching teachers is my highest calling. It will be my honour and privilege to guide and support you on this journey.
Maureen Rae Vohora
Co-Founder, managing partner, Lead Trainer, 200hr RYS Faculty
iGita Yoga Studio
The faculty bring an extraordinary amount of knowledge, and an authentic approach, to iGita’s Teacher Training program and were tremendously inspiring and supportive during the training, as well as after graduation. I hadn’t initially planned to teach and was just looking to deepen my own practice but through the course I found it to be hugely rewarding. Shortly after finishing my training I began teaching at several studios and leading classes for corporate clients – Cliff, 46
“In the practice of Yoga one can emphasize the body, the mind or the self and hence the effort can never be fruitless.” – T. Krishnamacharya