


Dr. Ryan Milan, Naturopathic Doctor.   Ryan graduated from the university of Western Ontario in 2009 with an honour specializing in Medical Sciences under the Schulich faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. In his last year of undergraduate studies, he completed his thesis on variables that impact the quality of life in parents suffering from congestive heart failure. He later went on to do his Masters in Physiology studying gender dependant surgical approaches for knee replacements in parents suffering from Osteoarthritis. He completed his masters program and the highly innovative Joint and Motion Program funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research. For his research he received the Western Graduate Research Scholarship, Schulich Graduate Research Scholarship and Canadian Institute of Health Research Joint and Motion Program Bursary.
After completing his Naturopathic Program, he dedicated the focus of his practice in mid-life health with an emphasis on cardiovascular health, glandular and hormonal health, diabetes, and weight loss. As part of cardiovascular health, he has helped parents lower their blood pressure, cholesterol and improve peripheral circulation. To support parents with weight loss, he focuses on liver detox, regulating cortisol levels, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce gut inflammation. For auto-immune disorders he first identifies the cause of dysregulation followed by harmonizing the immune system and reducing inflammation.
In addition to his Naturopathic treatment, he received training and certification to perform and analyse Live Blood Cell Microscope to identify the cause inflammation, identify risk of heavy metal in the blood, and parasites. This diagnostic tool has been critical in identifying the root cause of metabolic dysregulation on as seen with exercise resistant weight gain and chronic fatigue.
Ryan’s treatments focus on life-style modification, patient education, herbal and homeopathic interventions, nutritional and exercise guidance. In addition, his extensive training with Traditional Chinese Medicine will be used to accelerate the rate of recovery and rehabilitation. This will include diagnostic based acupuncture, cupping (for muscle and joint pain), and specific nutritional recommendations to create balance between yin and yang.

List of conditions treated:
High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Arythmia naturopathic support, Naturopathic support after heart attack or stroke
Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Auto-immune Thyroids, adrenal fatigue/exhaustion, hyperparathyroidism
Fa]y liver, auto-immune hepatitus
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lichen Planus, Scleroderma, Celiacs, Sjorgen’s syndrome
PCOS, Fibroids, endometriosis
Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, leaky gut, SIBO Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity
Insomnia, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue
Substance addition (Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana)


Join Dr. Ryan Milan on November 20th, at 7pm for his next FREE Public Information Session : MENOPAUSE & GRACEFUL AGING.  Make sure you reserve your spot by preregistering using the iGita Schedule