
FAQs old

I am new and don't know how to register for class.

Post pandemic, we are asking that our students pre-register for their classes. Prior to coming to your first class we encourage you to create an account for yourself here as it will save you some time upon arrival. As a new student you will likely be prompted to purchase the $20/20 day intro special. If you received a gift certificate or bought a groupon, bypass the prompt and look for the link that says "register as unpaid".  Please aim to arrive for your first class at least 15 minutes early. This will allow you the time necessary to find parking and get acquainted with the studio before your class.

I've never done yoga before and I'm not sure which class I can go to.

All of our classes are open and accessible to beginners. However, you will need to consider your current level of fitness, and how refined your listening skills are! Our instructors give ample instruction and cues to get you into the poses, but in most case cases give very little physical demonstration. Therefor you are relying on the audio cues from the instructor and the visuals from the people practicing around you. The Yoga Styles and classes can vary greatly from a very active, dynamic class performing 60 poses or more, to a more passive, static class with less then 10! Be sure to click on the name of the classes when you visit our schedule to get a better idea of what to expect from a class.

Alternatively, there is an awesome series for beginners we call Yoga 101. Highly recommended for all yogis new to the practice. It is taught in a very relaxed, worksop style class, with ample opportunities to have all your questions answered. We discuss etiquette, expectations, and alignment principles in detail throughout the 6 session course. If you have mobility issues or an injury it is a great class to learn modifications. Look for it on our class schedule. It is ideal to start at the beginning, but you are welcome to do it in any order, and repeat as many times as you want.

I've done yoga before, but am new to your studio. Do you have a free trail class?

Not exactly. We do offer free classes for members to bring their friends as part of our referral program. However, we think we have a couple better offers designed to give first time students a good feel for the studio:  the $20/20, which is 20 consecutive days of unlimited classes for only $20. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the beginner package, which is a 6 session course accompanied with 6 weeks of unlimited classes for just $149.

Do I need to pre-register for my classes? (post covid changes)

Pre-registration is not normally mandatory, however we are still limiting class sizes post pandemic. We recommend you register so you won't be disappointed by arriving to a class that is already full. Our rooms are big, but it does happen occasionally.

We try our best to maintain positive energy in the studio. One of the ways we can achieve this is by accurately preparing for the number of attendees. We used to provide mat and towel service (setting up the room) so that everyone could relax or meditate before class begins without the disruption of people trying to find a space for their mat etc. Post- covid, we've found that most people want to use their own mats & props, so now we are leaving the mats outside the room for you to borrow if you need one. There are lines on the floor  you'll know where to put your mat.

I've been to the studio before, but I'm having trouble registering online.

There are several possibilities for this. Sometimes we enter data from your waiver form incorrectly (typos or a problem with legibility) and then the software has trouble recognizing you. DO NOT try to create an account on your own. Instead, search for yourself using the email  or phone number you provided us or the 5 digit number on the back of your ID card. Creating a duplicate account will also cause problems and will ask you to purchase something before you will be able to register even if you have an existing pass. If this happens, just drop-in to your class and let the staff know there is an issue with your account. Be sure to email if you are attending a class with a limited class size or one that looks like it is going to fill up. You can see on the schedule how many spots are left for a class. It is very rare that we have to turn people away, but it has happened.

I was told that my unlimited class pass will start on the date of my first class, and yet it shows my pass expiring (or expired).

Yes, this will automatically adjust the first time you sign into a class. If it has already expired, we may need to re-activate it manually. Just send an email and we will do this for you. info@myiGita.com

My class passes have expired. I was told at time of purchase that they don't expire.

Our 5, 10, and 20 class passes have a default expiry of two years. We are happy to extend them for you, but it has to be done manually. Emailing us is the best way to have the date adjusted. info@myiGita.com

What will happen if I'm late for class?

If you haven't signed in 5 minutes before your scheduled class begins, we will no longer hold your reservation. That means if the class is full your spot may be given to a standby student. If you arrive after the class begins and there is still an empty mat or room for your own, it will be up to the discretion of the teacher. Some instructors welcome late comers, while others steadfastly refuse to allow them in. It's a gamble, so you should do your best to arrive on time!

Can I use my own mat?

Yes of course you may! Simply place your mat on top of ours or move ours out of the way. You can move ours to the side or hand it to a staff member. There is usually a staff member or instructor in the room before the class starts who can assist you. Our mats are high quality, and are disinfected with Benefect (a hospital grade, botanical product) after each use; but this doesn't negate the attachment that most yogis feel to toward their own mat over a long standing practice. We totally respect this choice.

What do I need to bring?

We recommend a water bottle. The classes are done barefoot or with socks, so for this reason iGita is a "barefoot" facility. You will be required to take your outdoor shoes off at the bottom of the stairs. Please put your shoes neatly in a cubby. Some people bring flip-flops. We do our best to keep the floors clean, but in the winter, salt makes a big mess and we don't always catch newcomers who aren't aware of the rules.

I have tried to call the studio several times and nobody answers. Why doesn't anybody answer the phone?

We've found that the phone is a big distraction for our staff and answering it can negatively affect the quality of service we provide to the students visiting our studio. All inquiries should be sent to info@myiGita.com . Emails are usually responded to in a timely manner. If you can't find your answers on this page or elsewhere on the site, and you feel the matter is time sensitive and can't wait, request a call back using the BOT on the bottom right hand side of this website. We get notifications immediately, and will return your call asap.